
We are pleased to announce that Bradford Family Watermelon Rind Pickles are available for purchase on the website! Visit our store to purchase.

The Bradford Watermelon’s unique, tender rind is ideal for making rind pickles, and we are thrilled to bring them back! Probably nothing like you would expect from a watermelon rind, these are super crisp, perfectly sweet pickles. Made using a special recipe passed down from Nat’s grandmother, “MaaMaa,” we have yet to meet somebody who hasn’t loved them! Serve with cheeses, on your favorite sandwich, or simply enjoy them by themselves!

Sold in 1 pint jars at $12 each jar plus shipping. Sold in the following quantities with shipping charges:

5 jars- $17.95
3 jars- $11.95
1 jar- $6.95
